Environmental Initiatives

As taking responsibility for environment protection, we planted around 2000 tress in our premises. This shall result to produce around 48000 kg Oxygen per annum.

In striving for continual betterment we have identified environment aspects of our processes, their impacts and the significance of these, and so developed & implemented environment management & mitigation plans.

Multi cyclones& wet scrubbers are installed and a proper chemical management system is implemented. Regular  environment performance monitoring reports are submitted to government agencies..

Business Ethics

Niagara Mills have ethical business policies and practices, regarding potential issues such as discrimination, trading and bribery etc. We believe every decision that taken should be beneficial for all stake holders.

Social Welfare

Niagara believe the spirit of doing good to the fellow being and has enthusiasm for taking part in the activities for the well beings of others. As an essential obligation, The CEO voluntary provide financial assistance to under privileged.

We are implementing local labor laws as well as required international  retailers code of conducts,

Free transport, subsidized food, in house medical treatment and special funds for the underprivileged are in force.

Further a budget is set aside for a plantation in the areas where land is unused